When life gives you lemons….2020 has been a brutal year. It’s important during times like these to find resilience and the tools needed for self care. During life’s…Sep 20, 2020Sep 20, 2020
The backfire effect….Have you ever received feedback or information that you couldn’t take in? Have you ignored evidence and dug your heels in when opposing a…Jul 27, 2020Jul 27, 2020
Another COVID-19 Casualty — Small BusinessIt will take years to fully understand the economic impact of COVID but last week the stark reality of a larger looming economic collapse…Jul 23, 20201Jul 23, 20201
The Gender GapRecently while listening to a local AM Talk Show, (Outlaw Radio Network, KITZ1400, Kitsap County, WA) the dialogue turned to the wage gap…Jan 23, 2020Jan 23, 2020
Before I can look forward…Sometimes acknowledging what is real means communicating it to others. Often to make things real means describing the things you have been…Nov 25, 2019Nov 25, 2019